Resources & Referrals
This page contains resources, policy documents, reports, weblinks and pages relating to refugee health and referral pathways to health and specialised services.
Asylum Seeker Health Services
Find resources and referral pathways to health services for people seeking asylum.
Child Youth Health
Find resources and referral pathways to health services for children and youth from refugee and asylum-seeking backgrounds.

Find resources and information on COVID-19 which is the disease caused by the coronavirus, SARS COV-2.
Dental Oral Health
Find resources and referral pathways to dental health services for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Disability Health
Find resources and referral pathways to disability health and support services for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Ear and Eye Health
Find resources and referral pathways to ear and eye health services for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Family Violence
Find resources and referral pathways to family violence services for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Health Literacy
Find resources on health literacy for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Find resources and referral pathways to immunisation programs and services.
Infectious Diseases
Find resources and referral pathways to services that specialise in infectious diseases for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Find resources and referral pathways to interpreter services for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Legal Support
Find resources and referral pathways to legal support services for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Find resources and referral pathways to specialist refugee health and wellbeing services for LGBTIQ+ people of refugee background and people seeking asylum.
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Find resources and referral pathways to mental health services for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Refugee Health Program
Find resources and referral pathways to the Refugee Health Program for refugees and people seeking asylum in Victoria.
Resources and Support
Find resources and tools to support health care practitioners working with refugees and people seeking asylum.
Rural Regional Health
Find resources and referral pathways to specialised health services for refugees and people seeking asylum in rural and regional Victoria.
Sexual Health
Find resources and referral pathways to sexual health services for refugees and people seeking asylum.
Settlement Data Bulletin
Find the latest settlement data that is compiled by the Victorian Refugee Health Network.
Training and Development
Find training and development opportunities for health care practitioners working with refugees and people seeking asylum.
Womens Health
Find resources and referral pathways to women’s health services for refugees and people seeking asylum.
View all
View all resources and referrals.