About Us
The Victorian Refugee Health Network (VRHN) is an initiative committed to improving the health and wellbeing of people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds in Victoria.

The Network provides a platform for collaboration, service coordination, training and resources, and advocacy to address the health needs and challenges experienced by people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds.
Our membership includes representatives from health and community services, settlement services, government, and non-government sectors. We collaborate with regional networks, peak bodies, and key policy stakeholders as well as coordinate specific working groups.
The Network brings together and harnesses the experience of the health sector and the community to identify and respond to systemic issues and provide credible, trusted advice towards policy and sector development.
We are committed to supporting Victoria’s health care system to enable equitable access, experience and outcomes for people of refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds.
The Victorian Refugee Health Network is governed by an Executive Group that provides strategic direction and oversees the Network’s activities.

Our mission
Collaborating to create health equity for people from refugee and asylum seeking backgrounds in Victoria.
Our vision
Victorians from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds have timely access to appropriate services and other resources required to build and maintain their health and wellbeing.
The Victorian Refugee Health Network is funded by the Victorian Government’s (Department of Health) and auspiced by The Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture.