Experience of Women in Immigration Detention
The Australian Human Rights Commission is calling on submissions relating to the ‘experience of women in immigration detention’.

The Australian Human Rights Commission has commenced planning for a thematic detention inspection looking at the ‘experience of women in immigration detention.’ The thematic inspection will include a visit to the Villawood IDC and Melbourne IDC (and possibly other facilities – dependent on the number of women detained closer to the inspection dates).
The Commission is interested in obtaining written submissions from relevant civil society organisations/individuals as part of our evidence gathering process. The Commission would appreciate information pertaining to all aspects of detention (for example, conditions of detention, health service provision, programs and activities, the impact of family separation, detention policies and procedures, etc.) and their specific impact on women in detention.
They are also interested in examining the experience of women recently released from detention (within the last two years) and seek support to identify people willing to be interviewed by Commission staff in Sydney, Melbourne or online (for those in other jurisdictions or those unable to attend in person).
It is preferred that anyone interviewed is supported by a relevant civil society organisation to attend the interviews.
Any information provided to the Commission will be kept confidential and permission will be sought if used in our inspection report.
Written submissions would be appreciated by no later than Wednesday 21st of February 2024.
To discuss any aspect of this request please contact Steven Caruana, Specialist Advisor – Immigration and OPCAT at steven.caruana@humanrights.gov.au