Caring Mums: Volunteer Support

Caring Mums is a free, confidential and non-judgemental program for new and expecting mums . It fills a need for women who may be seeking emotional support or connection, whether you’re entering motherhood for the first time or you already have children. With a trained volunteer by your side – who is an experienced mother herself – you will have the support you need during this exciting and challenging time.

A photovoice study exploring what culturally safe pregnancy care is to Karen women of refugee background in Victoria, Australia 

A photovoice study founded on community-based participatory research principles was undertaken with a Karen community of refugee background living in Victoria, Australia. A community advisory group was established, guiding study design and conduct. Five S’gaw Karen-speaking women with experience of pregnancy care in Australia were invited to take photos within their community. Participants shared their photos and stories with each other in four online discussion groups.

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