WOMHEn multicultural health educator workforce, continued Phase II of WOMHEn Project by delivering health education sessions to migrant and refugee women in 18 different community languages to address barriers to vaccine literacy and uptake, vaccine hesitancy, and service navigation of migrant and refugee women, including those who are carers, of childbearing age or pregnant, and living in rural and regional Victoria.
A partnership program that brings together health service clinicians and managers, policy makers and researchers to bring about sustainable improvements in the quality of maternity and early childhood health care to improve health and health care outcomes for families of refugee background.
A policy and practice brief reporting on the learnings and achievements of the Bridging the Gap initiative Language in labour.
There is overwhelming evidence about the importance of health and employment in successful settlement. This report identifies five principal barriers to newly arrived refugees finding jobs: limited English, a lack of work experience, poor health, a lack of opportunities for women, and having only been in Australia for a short amount of time.