Resources & Referrals > Tools for Health Professionals > Training & Professional Development
Training and Professional Development
A number of Victorian organisations offer professional development around issues related to refugee health. Some of them are listed here. Click on the name of the organisation to be redirected to its website. Relevant Resources and links to research institutes can also be found on this page.

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Victorian Foundation for Survivors of Torture (Foundation House): Practice and Sector Development
With recognised expertise in torture and trauma informed care, Foundation House provides professional and organisational development to individuals and organisations involved in service delivery to people of refugee backgrounds. Courses include an introduction to the refugee and asylum seeker experience, incidental counselling and trauma focused counselling.Visit
Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health (CEH)
With a specialisation in language services, cultural competence and health literacy, CEH’s training focuses on improving organisational and individual practice relating to working with Culturally and Linguistically Diverse clients in service delivery. CEH also offers e-learning and free webinars on a range of topics.Visit
Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY)
CMY delivers cross-cultural professional development and training programs that focus on working with migrant and refugee young people. CMY training is informed by cross cultural practice, cultural competency frameworks, multicultural and diversity policies, human rights legislation, youth work theories, and principles and current good practice in migrant, refugee and newly arrived youth work. CMY training offers practical strategies for project development and implementation.Visit
enliven Victoria
enliven Victoria offers workshops on health literacy and plain languages, as well as resources developed for CALD communities by its networks of Bicultural Workers.Visit
Victorian Transcultural Mental Health (VTMH)
VTMH offers a variety of mental health and cultural diversity seminars, forums and state-wide events for people with an interest in mental health and cultural diversity and/or who are working in various roles across publicly funded mental health, community, educational and social services.Visit
Sexual Health Victoria
Sexual Health Victoria offers a range of certificate and non-certificate courses around reproductive and sexual health.Visit
Free maternity resources for Health Professionals & Interpreters
Category: Maternal Health
The Stillbirth CRE is pleased to provide a suite of approved stillbirth prevention resources for use in the implementation and promotion of the Safer Baby Bundle. These evidence-based resources have been collaboratively designed for healthcare professionals and interpreters working with pregnant women. The Stillbirth CRE has partnered with the leading professional colleges and research institutions across Australia to develop these resources.Visit
Partnering with families of refugee & migrant backgrounds
Category: Maternal Health
This course builds upon the established Safer Baby Bundle learning course to provide additional support to health professionals working with women and families of refugee and migrant backgrounds during pregnancy.Visit
Orygen ‘Trauma-informed care webinar’ Refugee Access Project.
Category: Mental Health and Wellbeing
This webinar brings you on the journey of creating a new service for the targeted population of newly arrived Iraqi and Syrian refugees aged 0 to 24 years of age living in North West Melbourne and why specialised refugee access services are needed.Visit
Refugee Research Online
Refugee Research Online provides a platform for academic and non-academic research and comment on issues surrounding people seeking asylum and refugees.Visit
The Migration, Statelessness and Refugee Studies PhD Program
This program is delivered by the Melbourne Social Equity Institute at the University of Melbourne. The Program is a supplementary learning opportunity to enrich your graduate research experience. The program offers an opportunity to share your research with other disciplines and expand your peer network.Visit
The Murdoch Childrens Research Institute: Refugee and Migrant Health
The Murdoch Childrens Research Institute research the health and wellbeing of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Find out more about their current programs and projects.Visit
Kaldor Centre
The Andrew & Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law at UNSW Sydney is the world's leading research centre dedicated to the study of international refugee law. Founded in October 2013, the Kaldor Centre undertakes rigorous research on the most pressing displacement issues in Australia, the Asia-Pacific region and around the world, and contributes to public policy by promoting legal, sustainable and humane solutions to forced migration.Visit
Cultural Competence in Australia: A Guide
Developed by the Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia, the guide explores the content, delivery format, duration and price of such training in Australia. The guide outlines what good cultural competence training looks like (p.15) and lists training providers in Appendix 5.Visit
Practice Coaching—Free E-Learning for General Practice
Refugee & asylum seeker health: Essentials for general practice.Visit
The Australian Refugee Health Practice Guide
The Australian Refugee Health Practice Guide can be used by doctors, nurses and other primary care providers to inform on-arrival and ongoing health care for people from refugee backgrounds, including people seeking asylum.Visit
The Social Determinants of mental health and disorder: evidence, prevention and recommendations
Category: Mental Health and Wellbeing
In this paper we provide a roadmap to address the social determinants that cause mental ill health. Relying as far as possible on high-quality evidence, we first map out the literature that supports a causal link between social determinants and later mental health outcomes.View Document
Chronic health conditions among culturally and linguistically diverse Australians, 2021
People from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds are identified as a priority population in a number of key Australian Government health strategies. This web report is part of a program of work on the health status of CALD people in Australia and presents data on the prevalence of chronic conditions reported by CALD Australians in the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ 2021 Census of Population and Housing.Visit