New report from the Refugee Women’s Health Community Consultation
The Refugee Women’s Health Community Consultation Report shares key findings and recommendations to inform implementation of the Victorian Government’s reform initiatives in Women’s Health. The project, coordinated by the Victorian Refugee Health Network, centred the lived experiences of women from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds in accessing and navigating Victorias’ health system.

The Refugee Women’s Health Community Consultation Report has been released, sharing key findings and recommendations to help inform the Victorian Government on their Women’s Health Reform initiatives. This project, coordinated by the Victorian Refugee Health Network, centred the lived and living experiences of women from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds accessing and navigating the Victorian health system.
“We wanted to take part and to raise our voices. We shared our lived experiences, our stories and circumstances we have lived through. We gave a first hand narrative about what things are like, with our health and our experience of healthcare in Victoria. So many realities gathered to give us a clear picture. We are hopeful this project that we have all been working on together will be successful in providing the government an insight into our lives.”
Natalie and Fauzia, Community Advisory Group Members
informOver 50 women with a rich diversity of identities and lived experiences were represented in this project through their engagement through the Community Advisory Group and/or Community Consultations. Women seeking asylum represented nearly 40% of all women consulted. Women living in regional and rural Victoria also represented 40% of all women consulted.
Further, over 100 professionals from settlement, community and health organisations working directly with women from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds were consulted to provide valuable insights into areas such systemic barriers and workforce development needs.
Findings from this project emphasised the fundamental need to address social determinants of health across all levels of government in order to improve health equity for women from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds. When exploring experiences of accessing and navigating health services in Victoria, findings and recommendations have been grouped under five themes:
1. Access & Equity
2. Rights & Information
3. Safety & Respect
4. Social Connection
5. Voice & Representation
In addition to this report, two Community Advisory Group members joined the Project Team to co-present key findings and recommendations to a group of over thirty government representatives.
The Victorian Refugee Health Network hopes that this project informs the Victorian Government’s Women’s Health and Wellbeing Program and ongoing efforts to improve equity and access for women from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds to healthcare in Victoria. The Network would like to thank everyone who supported this project though completing the sector survey, sector interviews and/or co-hosting community consultations.