Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Project

by | Apr 11, 2023

A joint undertaking by VRHN and Foundation House, the Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing project aimed to facilitate engagement of refugee background communities and the service sector in Victoria’s mental health reforms.

The Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing project ran from July 2022 to December 2023 and aimed to enhance the capacity of refugee and asylum seeker communities and the service sector to engage in Victoria’s mental health reform initiatives.  

The project objectives were:  

  • To understand the needs of refugee background communities and the barriers they experience in accessing mental health services in Victoria, and 
  • To understand the challenges that services experience in engaging with and providing care to refugee and asylum seeker background communities. 

Community Engagement Framework 

A Community Engagement Framework was developed through the Diverse Communities project to establish a model for engaging refugee and asylum seeker background communities into the mental health reforms. It outlines principles, key considerations, and strategies to facilitate meaningful engagement among these communities. 

The framework is designed for governance structures and service organisations responsible for implementing the mental health system reform agenda. It serves as guide in the planning of community engagement programs to make these inclusive of the diverse realities of refugee background communities.

Community Insights

Two Community Advisory Groups were established for the Diverse Communities project – one with members of communities from Syria and Iraq and another with communities from Afghanistan.  

The advisory groups identified challenges experienced by refugee background communities in accessing mental health support and forwarded recommendations on addressing these. 

One of the key issues identified by the community advisers was the need to reduce stigma around mental health within their communities. The advisory groups produced advocacy videos to inform their community members about the reforms and to encourage open discussion about mental health and seeking support.  

Hope and Life is a production by members of the Communities from Afghanistan Advisory Group and is in Dari language with English subtitles.

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Healthy Mind, Healthy Family, Healthy Community is in Arabic (with English subtitles) and produced by the Communities from Syria and Iraq Advisory Group.

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    Sector Report and Recommendations

    As part of the Diverse Communities Project, sector consultations were conducted to understand the challenges that services experience in engaging with and providing mental health support to refugee and asylum seeker background communities. This report provides a summary of key findings and recommendations to improve access to mental health services at sector, workforce and community levels. 

    Mental Health Reform Updates

    The Diverse Communities Project was established in response to the recommendation from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System – to work in partnership with and improve accessibility for diverse communities.  

    The Royal Commission was a comprehensive inquiry that aimed to evaluate and improve mental health services across the state. The Commission recognised that a transformative overhaul is needed to address systemic shortcomings and provide more effective and accessible mental health care. Mental health issues affect individuals from all walks of life, including culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, and that a tailored and inclusive approach is essential. 

    In 2023-25 the Victorian Government will be providing a total of $4.2 million for projects that will deliver an extensive range of programs, direct services, advocacy, research and workforce development to help create a more diverse and inclusive mental health and wellbeing system. 


    For more information

    Mursha Dalay-on
    Project Lead,
    Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing

    Ph: 0458 633 120
    E: mursha@foundationhouse.org.au

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