‘Set the PACE’ report

This resource is developed by the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health(MCWH) for individuals and organisations working to implement leadership programs for migrant and refugee women, non-binary and gender diverse people.

Mental deterioration of refugees and asylum seekers with uncertain legal status in Australia: Perceptions and responses of legal representatives

In 2014 Australia introduced a ‘fast track assessment’ (FTA) system of processing refugee claims for asylum seekers who arrived by boat, those found to be refugees were only eligible for temporary residence. Legal professionals play a pivotal role in protecting the rights of asylum seekers and gain unique insight into the impact of the legal system has on clients mental health.

Mental health and Wellbeing Workforce Strategy 2021-2024

The mental health and wellbeing workforce plays a key role in the mental health system reforms. The Mental Health and Wellbeing Workforce Strategy 2021-2024 identifies the gaps and the challenges in getting workers skilled up and provides a pathway towards building a workforce to deliver appropriate care.

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