This online longitudinal study investigated whether refugees who transitioned from low visa security (e.g. short-term transient visas) to medium (e.g. temporary protection visas) or high visa (e.g. permanent visas) security showed changes in depression symptoms, social difficulties and immigration-related fears.
This Guide focuses specifically on effective communication and working with interpreters and seeks to provide relevant recommended approaches and evidence-based goodpractice points.
The mental health and wellbeing workforce plays a key role in the mental health system reforms. The Mental Health and Wellbeing Workforce Strategy 2021-2024 identifies the gaps and the challenges in getting workers skilled up and provides a pathway towards building a workforce to deliver appropriate care.
There are a range of support services throughout our community in Greater Shepparton who can help during difficult times. This brochure outlines a few of those available.
The COVID-19 pandemic and the increasing threats posed by climate change are reshaping the disaster resilience and emergency management policies of our time. Since 2009 and the devastating Black Saturday bushfires, Victoria
has embarked on ambitious, whole-of-system reforms of the emergency
management sector.