Forced Marriage: A Good Practice Guide
This Good Practice Guide provides an introduction to the issue of forced marriage and essential information to assist frontline workers to respond effectively to a young person at risk.
This Good Practice Guide provides an introduction to the issue of forced marriage and essential information to assist frontline workers to respond effectively to a young person at risk.
Inclusive Organisations provides a framework that organisations can utilise to improve their engagement with young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds and enhance good practice across their services and programs.
Report to the Australian Human Rights Commission
Monitoring Visit to Wickham Point Detention Centre, Darwin, NT
October 16th – 18th 2015.
A suite of videos by highlighting the journey of refugee and migrant young people as they make Australia their new home. Funded by the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation, CMY’s ‘This is Me – Migrant and Refugee Young People Video Storytelling Project’ empowered young people to speak out on issues that matter to them and share their stories with the wider community.
This is a collection of 25 true stories of survival written by young Sudanese refugees who have found a new home in Australia.