Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS)

Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status, or PEDS, is an evidence based screening tool that elicits and addresses parental concerns about children’s development, health and wellbeing. PEDS is a simple, 10-item questionnaire that is completed by the parent.

Immigrant Health Service-Developmental Assessments for children

Developmental assessment in refugee/asylum seeker children can be complex, requiring an understanding of second (or later) language acquisition, language transitions in relation to development, the impact of forced migration, trauma, and settlement, and support services available.

Australian Refugee Health Practice Guide—Child & adolescent booklet

This booklet contains information regarding pre-arrival health screening, post arrival health assessment, immunisation, nutritional issues, haematology issues, development and learning, adolescent health and development,
disability, mental health, emotional and behavioural issues and more.

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