Ethnic Communities Council of Victoria (ECCV) Multicultural Disability Hub promotes the rights and needs of people with disability from CALD backgrounds, and their families and carers, through policy and advocacy work in the disability sector. We support and participate in a range of programs, networks and deliver self-advocacy training to empower people with disability from migrant and refugee communities.
The NDIS Explore Data tool Explore Data is an interactive tool to help you find information you need. The data can be filtered or sorted by participant type, reporting period, location or support class and category. You can view the data online in your preferred format as a graph or table or download the customised dataset.
Health Translations Directory has a range of translated resources available on ear, nose and throat health.
An integrated eye health promotion program which aims to prevent avoidable blindness and address the impact of vision loss in Victoria. Managed by Vision 2020 Australia (which is the National peak body for eye health) and funded by the Victorian Government, the Vision Initiative aims to raise awareness of the importance of eye health and getting regular eye examinations, particularly to those at most risk in Victoria.