Bendigo Community Health Services – Emergency Preparedness Hub

The hub builds the capacity for former refugees and emergency providers to better prepare for and manage severe weather events.
Through a collaborative approach with SES, CFA, City of Greater Bendigo emergency staff and BCHS staff of refugee lived experience, the hub features co-designed fact sheets and videos in the Karen, Dari and Dinka languages.

Australian Fire Danger Rating System Communications Kit

Four animations have been developed to help community members understand the changes to the Fire Danger Rating system, better understand what each level means and what they need to do in response to the level when it is declared. The animation are available in 12 languages.

Fire Safety Translations

Please find information about fire safety in your language. There are over 40 languages to choose from published by Country Fire Authority (CFA).

Bushfire Safety (In Easy English)

Find reports on ‘Fire Danger Ratings’ and ‘Leave early before a bushfire starts’ published by CFA. Easy English is an accessible format that uses images, everyday words and simple sentences to help readers understand the information.

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