Catch up vaccinations

The Immunisation Unit at the Department of Health has created a new webpage to support immunisers through the vaccination catch-up journey with their patients.

Catch-up immunisation in refugees

Vaccine preventable diseases (VPD) are endemic and/or epidemic in countries of origin of refugee families, and disruptions to health care may affect vaccine quality and access to vaccination. Information on vaccination coverage and disease status in country of origin is available from the World Health Organization (WHO), including immunisation schedules by country.

National Immunisation Program Schedule

The National Immunisation Program (NIP) Schedule is a series of immunisations given at specific times throughout your life. The immunisations range from birth through to adulthood.

Influenza vaccination

Influenza can be serious. The best way to protect against influenza is to get vaccinated each year. For some people the vaccine is free.

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