Refugee Health Assessment
Offer a comprehensive post-arrival health assessment to every child, adolescent and adult from a refugee background who is new to your care, preferably within one month of arrival. Always use person-centred care principles that consider the impact of past trauma. Use language and gender appropriate interpreters.
Practice tip: The ‘Health assessment for refugees and other humanitarian entrants’ is funded up to 1 year post arrival or visa grant date through the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) (Items 701, 703, 705 and 707). The assessment can be completed over a number of consults.
The Refugee Health Assessment Template can be used to assist GPs and nurses to undertake a health assessment which you can download using the link below.
Refugee Health Assessment
The Refugee Health Assessment Template 2018 (the Template) considers the primary care context including workflow and whole of practice approaches and will assist primary care providers to deliver high quality on arrival health care for people from refugee backgrounds.