Interactive map that shows increase in incidence of Sexually Transmitted Infections(STI)
Category: Sexual Health
Please find an interactive map that shows increase in incidence of diseases such as Gonorrhoea and syphilis that are all STIs. We do not have any specific data as per community groups. But you can look into each LGA on the map.Visit
Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia (PANDA) – Support in different languages
Category: Maternal Health
Get the support you need with resources translated into 40 languages.Visit
Growing a Healthy Baby Project
Category: Maternal Health
New in-language culturally adapted ‘Safer Baby Bundle’ resources: addressing high stillbirth rates through co-design.Visit
Newly developed contraception-information videos in Arabic, Cantonese, Hindi and Mandarin
Category: Sexual Health
The EXTEND-PREFER Project has developed educational videos discussing the different contraceptive methods available in Australia. This video has also been translated into Arabic, Cantonese, Hindi and Mandarin.Visit
Engaging Men from Multicultural and Faith-Based Communities in Primary Prevention
Category: Family violence
This resource has been developed as part of the Connecting Communities program, a partnership between the Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health (MCWH) and Safe and Equal to support the learning and professional development needs of the Connecting Communities network.Visit
Disability Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU)
Category: Disability Health
The Disability Advocacy Resource Unit (DARU) has launched their new website sharing resources and provide training opportunities to keep disability advocates informed and up-to-date about issues affecting people with disability in Victoria.Visit
Jean Hailes for Women’s Health – Translated Videos on Menopause
Category: Women’s Health
Short animated videos in English, Mandarin and Vietnamese to help women learn more about changes to the body during the menopause, how to manage menopausal symptoms and the top three things women can do to stay healthy after menopause.Visit
Kin | Disability Advocacy for Diverse Communities
Category: Disability Health
Kin helps people from diverse backgrounds living with disability, their families and carers. Visit their website to access translated resources in languages on various topics including structure of NDIS, and NDIS Quality.Visit
Designing mental health services for young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds
Category: Mental Health
A tip sheet for mental health clinicians, counsellors and key workers working with children, young people and families from a refugee or asylum seeking background.Visit
Working with Children, Young People and Families from a Refugee and Asylum-seeking Background: A Tip Sheet
Category: Child Youth Health, Mental Health
A tip sheet for mental health clinicians, counsellors and key workers working with children, young people and families from a refugee or asylum seeking background.View Document
Factsheet on health requirements for protection visa applicants
Applicants for Protection visas are required to undergo medical examinations, however you will not be prevented from being granted a visa if you have a medical condition or are accessing any medical or disability services. Find out more here.View Document
Helpful information for GPs seeing a patient from refugee background
This resource was developed by the Refugee Health Network QueenslandFind out more
National Immunisation Program eligibility for refugees and humanitarian entrants
The Commonwealth guidance states that NIP vaccines are free for ‘refugees and humanitarian entrants of any age’.Find out more
PHN Multicultural Framework
The PHN Multicultural Framework provides high-level guidance and best practice actions to support PHNs to deliver locally informed and relevant responses in partnership with other stakeholders.View document
Health checks for women (Poster)
Category: Women’s Health
A handy guide to the health checks women need, and when to get them. Available in English, Vietnamese, Karen, Chinese Traditional and Chinese Simplified.Visit
Best practice guide for migrant and refugee inclusive disaster preparedness, response, and recovery
Best practice guide to support service providers, emergency response agencies, healthcare providers, non-government and community organisations who are working with migrant and refugee communities as part of their disaster preparedness, response, and recovery efforts.Visit
Bendigo Community Health Services – Emergency Preparedness Hub
Category: Rural and Regional Health
The hub builds the capacity for former refugees and emergency providers to better prepare for and manage severe weather events. Through a collaborative approach with SES, CFA, City of Greater Bendigo emergency staff and BCHS staff of refugee lived experience, the hub features co-designed fact sheets and videos in the Karen, Dari and Dinka languages.Visit
Australian Fire Danger Rating System Communications Kit
Four animations have been developed to help community members understand the changes to the Fire Danger Rating system, better understand what each level means and what they need to do in response to the level when it is declared. The animation are available in 12 languages.Visit
Fire Safety Translations
Please find information about fire safety in your language. There are over 40 languages to choose from published by Country Fire Authority (CFA).Visit
Bushfire Safety (In Easy English)
Find reports on 'Fire Danger Ratings' and 'Leave early before a bushfire starts' published by CFA. Easy English is an accessible format that uses images, everyday words and simple sentences to help readers understand the information.Visit
Fire Safety Video (in Karen)
CFA have released a video on Fire Safety in Karen language with the local community in Nhill, Victoria.View Video here
Catch up vaccinations
Category: Immunisations
The Immunisation Unit at the Department of Health has created a new webpage to support immunisers through the vaccination catch-up journey with their patients.Visit
Catch-up immunisation in refugees
Category: Immunisations
Vaccine preventable diseases (VPD) are endemic and/or epidemic in countries of origin of refugee families, and disruptions to health care may affect vaccine quality and access to vaccination. Information on vaccination coverage and disease status in country of origin is available from the World Health Organization (WHO), including immunisation schedules by country.Visit
National Immunisation Program Schedule
Category: Immunisations
The National Immunisation Program (NIP) Schedule is a series of immunisations given at specific times throughout your life. The immunisations range from birth through to adulthood.Visit
Influenza vaccination
Category: Immunisations
Influenza can be serious. The best way to protect against influenza is to get vaccinated each year. For some people the vaccine is free.Visit
COVID-19 booster vaccine advice
Category: Immunisations
Learn about booster doses for COVID-19 vaccines, who they are for, when you need one and how to get it.Visit
National Immunisation Program (NIP) Schedule
Category: Immunisations
The National Immunisation Program (NIP) Schedule is a series of immunisations given at specific times throughout your life. The immunisations range from birth through to adulthood.Visit
Catch up vaccinations for refugees and asylum seekers in Victoria
Category: Immunisations
This resource was designed for refugee and migrant communities in Victoria about catch-up vaccinations.Visit
Life! Program
Category: Health Literacy
The Life! program is a free type 2 diabetes, heart disease and stroke prevention program that is funded by the Victorian Government and managed by Diabetes Victoria. The program is delivered in English, Arabic, Vietnamese, and Chinese (Cantonese/Mandarin).Visit
Glossary of terms – Accessing mental health services
Category: Mental Health
This glossary is designed to help you understand the technical terms related to mental health services in Victoria. In particular, it explains the terms used in the ‘Mental health services’ video. It may also help the work of interpreters in this area.Visit
Interpreting Services for PHN-Commissioned mental health services
Category: Mental Health
As a provider of mental health services funded by a Primary Health Network, your organisation is now able to access interpreting Services funded by the Australian Government through the National Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS National).View Document
Access to mental health local services in twenty-one languages
Category: Mental Health
Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health and Victorian State Government has developed videos about access to mental health local services in twenty-one languages.Visit
Healthcare for people from refugee backgrounds and people seeking asylum- RACGP
The RACGP recognises the complexity of health care needs of people from refugee backgrounds. General practitioners have a key role to play in supporting this group, but they need to be supported through access to interpreters, appropriate education and training, evidence-based research, a coordinated approach between health services, and guided by a national strategy.Visit
Working with patients from refugee background: GP Administration Tips
A brief guideline on GP Administration tips when working with patients from refugee backgrounds.View Document
Working effectively with interpreters to support families from refugee backgrounds
A brief guideline on how to work effectively with interpreters to support families from refugee backgrounds.View Document
National Cervical Screening Program – Cervical screening explained (videos)
Category: Women’s Health
This video provides an overview of the National Cervical Screening Program. It outlines what a Cervical Screening Test is and the test options available to participants.Visit
How to take your own HPV test (translations available)
Category: Women’s Health
Self-collection is now an option for all participants in routine cervical screening. 'How to Take Your Own HPV Test' is available in multiple languages.Visit
Factsheets on difference between new mental health locals and existing hubs
Category: Mental Health
Victoria’s mental health and wellbeing system is transforming, with mental health and wellbeing hubs being phased out, and mental health and wellbeing locals established.Visit
Country Fire Authority Victoria: Fire Safety in other languages
We want to make sure that all Victorians understand the importance of fire safety and what they can do to improve their own safety. These in-language resources have been developed for you to share with your community.Visit
Vic Emergency
The VicEmergency website provides a centralised location for Victorians to access timely emergency information and warnings.Visit
Vic SES- Information in other languages
To assist people from multicultural communities, important information is available in a number of languages.Visit
Our Voice – Our Experience: Floods in Shepparton
In a special partnership between Human Chapters and Regional Victorians of Colour, engaging in conversations with community members about their experience of the recent floods in regional Victoria. Neha Samar and Arti Shah participate in this conversation about the multicultural experience of the recent floods.Visit
National Ethnic & Multicultural Broadcasting Council- Victorian Flood Payments Explainer
There are several different payments you may be able to get if you live in a flooded area and have had to leave your home or your home or business has been damaged or destroyed by floods.Visit
Healthy Mind, Healthy Family, Healthy Community (Arabic)
Category: Mental Health
Healthy Mind, Healthy Family, Healthy Community is a video produced by members of the Syrian and Iraqi Community Advisory Group of the Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Project. This video is in Arabic.View
Hope and Life (Dari)
Category: Mental Health
Hope and Life is a video produced by members of the Communities from Afghanistan Advisory Group of the Diverse Communities Mental Health and Wellbeing Project. This video is in Dari.View
LGBTIQ Intersect
Category: LGBTIQ+
A great web-based resource to draw on as you look to promote the health and wellbeing of LGBTIQ people of different faiths and cultural affiliations. The website includes learning modules and an extensive resource and referral list.Visit
Orygen ‘Trauma-informed care webinar’ Refugee Access Project.
Category: Mental Health
This webinar brings you on the journey of creating a new service for the targeted population of newly arrived Iraqi and Syrian refugees aged 0 to 24 years of age living in North West Melbourne and why specialised refugee access services are needed.Visit
Nothing for them
Category: LGBTIQ+
A small study undertaken to explore services and referral pathways available for refugee and newly arrived young people who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans or those who may be questioning their sexual feelings and/or gender identity.Visit
Refugee Research Online
Refugee Research Online provides a platform for academic and non-academic research and comment on issues surrounding people seeking asylum and refugees.Visit
The Migration, Statelessness and Refugee Studies PhD Program
This program is delivered by the Melbourne Social Equity Institute at the University of Melbourne. The Program is a supplementary learning opportunity to enrich your graduate research experience. The program offers an opportunity to share your research with other disciplines and expand your peer network.Visit
The Murdoch Childrens Research Institute: Refugee and Migrant Health
The Murdoch Childrens Research Institute research the health and wellbeing of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. Find out more about their current programs and projects.Visit
Kaldor Centre
The Andrew & Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law at UNSW Sydney is the world's leading research centre dedicated to the study of international refugee law. Founded in October 2013, the Kaldor Centre undertakes rigorous research on the most pressing displacement issues in Australia, the Asia-Pacific region and around the world, and contributes to public policy by promoting legal, sustainable and humane solutions to forced migration.Visit
Cultural Competence in Australia: A Guide
Developed by the Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia, the guide explores the content, delivery format, duration and price of such training in Australia. The guide outlines what good cultural competence training looks like (p.15) and lists training providers in Appendix 5.Visit
Practice Coaching—Free E-Learning for General Practice
Refugee & asylum seeker health: Essentials for general practice.Visit
The Australian Refugee Health Practice Guide
The Australian Refugee Health Practice Guide can be used by doctors, nurses and other primary care providers to inform on-arrival and ongoing health care for people from refugee backgrounds, including people seeking asylum.Visit
Migrant & Refugee Health Partnership Resources
Overview of cultural competence in professional education, training and standard setting for clinicians. Good practice approaches in facilitating primary health care delivery to migrants and refugees: The role of primary health networks.Visit
Ask Izzy
This resource provides links to many additional services including food, housing, material aid, health providers, counselling etc.Visit
HealthPathways Melbourne
HealthPathways offers clinicians locally agreed information to make the right decisions together with patients, at the point of care. The pathways are designed primarily for general practice teams, but are also available to specialists, allied health professionals, and other health professionals in your region.Visit
NSW Refugee Health Service
The NSW Refugee Health Service (RHS) is a state-wide service, funded by the Ministry of Health. It provides a range of clinical services and medical assessments for recently arrived refugees and asylum seekers. Activities also include policy input, research, projects and a range of health promotion initiatives.Visit
Appointment Translation
The NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service's online Appointment Reminder Translation Tool allows you to translate appointment details into your client's language.Visit
Multilingual printable appointment card
The multilingual appointment card has been developed by Cancer Council Victoria to help culturally and linguistically diverse Australians more easily access healthcare appointments.Visit
TIS National promotional materials catalogue
The Translating and Interpreting service (TIS National) provides a range of promotional materials to assist you and your clients to access our services. TIS National provides a range of promotional products in electronic format for you to view, print or save immediately.Visit
Health Translations
Health Translations is a free online library of high-quality translated Australian health and wellbeing information. Made for Australian health practitioners and people who work with culturally and linguistically diverse communities, the site provides quick access to a wealth of reliable resources.Visit
Easidose is a prescribing aid addressing language and literacy barriers. Easidose uses colour coding for medications, and picture based instructions for dose, frequency, duration and special conditions.Visit
General Practice Engagement Project
In late 2014, the Network began work on a dedicated project to engage and support more general practices in Victoria to work with people from refugee backgrounds. This project builds on the work of many others in the sector, including Refugee Health Nurses, Refugee Health Fellows and the former Medicare Locals, who have done substantial capacity building with general practice to ensure accessible and appropriate health care in general practice for people from refugee backgrounds.View Document
Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) Item
Refugee Health Assessment under MBS Items 701, 703, 705 and 707. This health assessment is for refugees and other humanitarian entrants who arrive in Australia with complex and unusual medical conditions resulting from their area of origin or previous living conditions. This assessment is separate from, and in addition to, a medical assessment specifically for the grant of a Refugee or Humanitarian visa.Visit
The STAR-MH (Screening Tool for Asylum-seeker and Refugee Mental Health) is a simple mental health screening tool developed for non-mental health trained workers to identify likely post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and major depressive disorder in their asylum-seeking and new refugee clients.Visit
Is your practice refugee health ready?
This guide provides a quick-reference guide to General Practices considering or currently providing health care services to people from a refugee background. It is not an exhaustive list but aims to serve as a tool to support health care for this population group and the development of appropriate primary care services.Visit
Competency Standards Framework for Clinicians
The Competency Standards Framework (the Framework) establishes recommended and optimal cultural responsiveness competency standards for clinicians in all healthcare settings. The Framework is aimed exclusively at clinicians and inform the development of clinical education, training, professional development curricula and competency standards for clinicians.Visit
Refugee Health Assessment
The Refugee Health Assessment Template 2018 (the Template) considers the primary care context including workflow and whole of practice approaches and will assist primary care providers to deliver high quality on arrival health care for people from refugee backgrounds.View Document
2022 RACGP curriculum and syllabus for Australian general practice
The curriculum and syllabus describe the key competency and learning outcomes of GP education. It informs the development and delivery of training programs including CPD and guides learners by suggesting learning modalities and educational resources as they work towards Fellowship. It also serves as a guide to assist with remediation and GPs returning to work after absence.Visit
Ethnologue online encyclopaedia of world languages
Find, read about, and research the world's 7,000 known living languages.Visit
Communicating via an interpreter
This information sheet is one of a series produced by the Centre for Culture Ethnicity & Health covering aspects of language services.Visit
Working with Patients when there are language barriers
A guide to accessing and using the Translating and Interpreting Service for primary care health professionals working in private practice.Visit
TIS National services for medical practitioners
Short 3 minute video that explains the interpreter services that are available for medical practitioners and a demonstration on how to use them.Find out more
How to Book an interpreter
The booking guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to book an interpreter via the pre-booked, video remote and on-site channels in TIS Online.Visit
Refugee Legal Factsheets
Click here for a list of Fact Sheets and Information Sheets produced by Refugee Legal.Visit
Refugee Council of Australia
Are you applying to be a refugee in Australia? RCOA Provides some helpful factsheets on how to apply for protection as a refugee in Australia.Visit
Guidelines for the Refugee Health Nurse Program
The RHNP is intended to optimise the long-term health of refugee community members through promoting accessible and culturally appropriate health care services that are responsive to changing patterns of refugee settlement.Visit
CEH’s Multicultural Health & Support Service
Category: Sexual Health
CEH’s Multicultural Health & Support Service works with communities and health professionals to promote the health and wellbeing of people from refugee and migrant backgrounds, asylum seekers and international students. Its goal is to prevent new incidences and transmission of STIs, HIV, blood borne viruses (BBVs) and viral hepatitis among these communities.Visit
The National Education Toolkit for Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting Awareness
Category: Sexual Health
This website is a part of coordinated Australian effort to increase our understanding of FGM/C and better support women and girls who have experienced it. A range of resources are available including toolkits, standards, brochures, guides, videos and research papers.Visit
Women’s Health In the North (WHIN)
Category: Family violence, Sexual Health, Women’s Health
WHIN produces an extensive collection of publications and resources. These materials are used by a range of individuals and organisations including health professionals, family violence professionals, researchers and students, the preventing violence against women workforce, local government, health services and the emergency management sector.Visit
Building belonging: A toolkit for early childhood educators on cultural diversity and responding to prejudice
Category: Child Youth Health
‘Building Belonging’ is a comprehensive toolkit of early education resources which includes an ebook, song with actions, educator guide, posters and lesson plans. It is focussed on encouraging respect for cultural diversity and tackling racial prejudice in early childhood settings.Visit
The Early Childhood Access and Participation Project: Talking with Chin Families from Burma about Early Childhood Services
Category: Child Youth Health
This guide describes a model that encourages dialogue between early childhood service providers and families from refugee backgrounds.View Document
Nutrition for Refugee Children: Risks, Screening, and Treatment
Category: Child Youth Health
Paper on paediatric refugees and their increased risk for growth and nutritional deficits.Visit
Department of Education: Supporting students from refugee backgrounds
Category: Child Youth Health
Schools play a key role in supporting students from refugee backgrounds, particularly during the first few years of their settlement in Australia. Find out about Refugee education supports and Professional learning and resources.Visit
Resources for schools to support multicultural youth
Category: Child Youth Health
Centre for Multicultural Youth (CMY) has a range of resources that can be utilised by schools for teacher professional learning, for in-class work or to share directly with students and families.Visit
Forced Marriage: A Good Practice Guide
Category: Child Youth Health
This Good Practice Guide provides an introduction to the issue of forced marriage and essential information to assist frontline workers to respond effectively to a young person at risk.Visit
Inclusive Organisations: A guide to good practice strategies
Category: Child Youth Health
Inclusive Organisations provides a framework that organisations can utilise to improve their engagement with young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds and enhance good practice across their services and programs.Visit
The health and human rights of children in immigration detention
Category: Child Youth Health
Report to the Australian Human Rights Commission Monitoring Visit to Wickham Point Detention Centre, Darwin, NT October 16th – 18th 2015.Visit
Migrant and Refugee Young People Video Storytelling Project—’This is me’
Category: Child Youth Health
A suite of videos by highlighting the journey of refugee and migrant young people as they make Australia their new home. Funded by the Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation, CMY's 'This is Me - Migrant and Refugee Young People Video Storytelling Project' empowered young people to speak out on issues that matter to them and share their stories with the wider community.Visit
Story Book: Donkeys can’t fly on planes
Category: Child Youth Health
This is a collection of 25 true stories of survival written by young Sudanese refugees who have found a new home in Australia.Visit
Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status (PEDS)
Category: Child Youth Health
Parents’ Evaluation of Developmental Status, or PEDS, is an evidence based screening tool that elicits and addresses parental concerns about children’s development, health and wellbeing. PEDS is a simple, 10-item questionnaire that is completed by the parent.Visit
Immigrant Health Service-Developmental Assessments for children
Category: Child Youth Health
Developmental assessment in refugee/asylum seeker children can be complex, requiring an understanding of second (or later) language acquisition, language transitions in relation to development, the impact of forced migration, trauma, and settlement, and support services available.Visit
Australian Refugee Health Practice Guide—Child & adolescent booklet
Category: Child Youth Health
This booklet contains information regarding pre-arrival health screening, post arrival health assessment, immunisation, nutritional issues, haematology issues, development and learning, adolescent health and development, disability, mental health, emotional and behavioural issues and more.Visit
Foundation House Webinar: Supporting Early Years to School transition for children and families from refugee backgrounds during COVID-19
Category: Child Youth Health
What strategies can be used to support children and families from refugee backgrounds to make a successful transition this year and into 2021? This webinar will look at what some early years services and schools have done to adapt their transition programs for the current COVID-19 situation.Find out more
Working effectively with interpreters to support families from refugee backgrounds —Foundation House
Category: Child Youth Health
Building partnerships with families from refugee backgrounds—Foundation House
Category: Child Youth Health
Disability Inclusion Package in Schools
Category: Disability Health
Increased support for students with disabilities. Disability Inclusion involves an investment of almost $1.6 billion to ensure every student at every ability thrives at school and in life. Disability Inclusion will roll out to Victoria's government schools between 2021 – 2025.Visit