Free maternity resources for Health Professionals & Interpreters

The Stillbirth CRE is pleased to provide a suite of approved stillbirth prevention resources for use in the implementation and promotion of the Safer Baby Bundle. These evidence-based resources have been collaboratively designed for healthcare professionals and interpreters working with pregnant women. The Stillbirth CRE has partnered with the leading professional colleges and research institutions across Australia to develop these resources.

Chronic health conditions among culturally and linguistically diverse Australians, 2021

People from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds are identified as a priority population in a number of key Australian Government health strategies. This web report is part of a program of work on the health status of CALD people in Australia and presents data on the prevalence of chronic conditions reported by CALD Australians in the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ 2021 Census of Population and Housing.

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